Hi, there! My name is Adrian Correndo. I was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I live with my family in Guelph, ON, Canada, where I work for the Department of Plant Agriculture at the University of Guelph as an Assistant Professor and the The Pick Family Research Chair in Sustainable Cropping Systems.
My mission is to develop and evaluate cropping systems that effectively deal with the challenge of producing more food, fuel, and fiber without degrading our natural resources. On this endeavor, I perform research, teaching, and outreach activities for Ontario farmers and agriculture stakeholders.
One of my favorite parts of this role is maintaining and leveraging the value and legacy of multiple long-term trials at the Elora Research Station, where management practices such as tillage, crop rotation, cover crops, and fertilization management are the focus of study.
Teamwork and mentoring, an essential part of my professional and personal philosophy. I work to inspire and support the future leaders of agriculture.
👷🏻What do I do?
I work to identify and promote best management practices for cropping systems at multiple scales. I heavily rely my work on applied statistics and reproducible programming to develop accessible and cross-scale digital tools that put modern data analytics (e.g. Machine Learning, Bayesian stats) to the service of our communities.
🗺️ Site Map
On my Career section you’ll find details on my professional life, experience, and interests.
My Publications section provides a summary the diverse type of literature material I have produced during my career.
If you’re interested in my digital developments, my Digital Resources section includes links to my R-packages ( soiltestcorr, metrica, XPolaris), Shinyapps (user-friendly interfaces), digital repositories, and YouTube tutorials.
At the Talks section you’ll find recorded presentations at a variety of conferences, symposiums, and meetings.