Total (30)
Abdala, L., Tamagno, S., Ruiz, A., Schwalbert, R.A., Correndo, A.A., Martin, N. 2025. Yield environment changes the ranking of soybean genotypes. Field Crops Res. 321, 109661.
Almeida, Luiz F., Correndo, A.A., Hefley, T., HIntz, G., Vara Prasad, P.V., Litch, M., Casteel, S., Singh, M., Naeve, S., Bais, J., Lindsay, L., Conley, S., Kleinjan, J., Kovacs, P., Ciampitti, I.A. 2025. Assessing the influence of environmental drivers on soybean seed yield and nitrogen fixation estimates and uncertainties in the United States. European Journal of Agronomy, 162, 127428.
Rodriguez M., Carcedo A., Correndo A., Crespo C., Carciochi W., Sainz Rozas H., Ciampitti I., Barbieri P. 2024. Assessing the nitrogen supply of hairy vetch in a soybean-wheat sequence. Field Crops Res., 316, 109496 - 109496.
Giordano, N., Sadras, V.O., Correndo, A.A., Lollato, R.P. 2023. Cultivar-specific phenotypic plasticity of yield and grain protein concentration in response to nitrogen in winter wheat. Field Crops Res. 306, 109202.
Rodriguez, M., Vargas, J., Correndo, A., Carcedo, A., Carciochi, W., Barbieri, P., & Ciampitti, I.A. A meta-analysis of hairy vetch as a previous cover crop for maize. Heliyon 9 (2023), e22621.
Hernandez, C.H., Correndo, A.A., Kyveryga, P., Prestholt, A., Ciampitti, I.A., 2023. On-farm soybean seed protein and oil prediction using satellite data. Comput. Electron. Agric. 212, 108096.
Toribio, M., Iglesias, M. P., Correndo, A., Wyngaard, N. ., & Reussi Calvo, N. 2023. Determinants of ammonia volatilization losses and their effect on maize yield. Ciencia Del Suelo, 41(2), 193–205.
Antunes de Almeida, L.F., Correndo, A.A., Ciampitti. I.A., et al., 2023. Soybean yield response to nitrogen and sulfur fertilization in the United States: contribution of soil N and N fixation processes. Eur. J. Agron. 145, 126791.
Carcedo, A.J., Viera N., Marziotte, L., Correndo, A.A., Alemo, A., Vara Prasad, P.V., Min, D., Stewart, Z.P., Faye, A., and Ciampitti, I.A., 2023. The urgency for investment on local data for advancing options for improving crop productivity and climate resilience assessments in Africa: a review for APSIM crop modeling. Env. Modell. Soft 161, 105633.
Moro Rosso, L.H., de Borja Reis, A.F., Tamagno, S., Correndo, A.A., Vara Prasad, P.V., Ciampitti. I.A., 2023. Temporal variation of soil N supply defines N fixation in soybeans. Eur. J. Agron 144, 126745.
Correndo, A.A., Pearce, A., Bolster, C., Spargo, J., Osmond, D., and Ciampitti, I.A., 2023. The soiltestcorr R package: An accessible framework for reproducible correlation analysis of crop yield and soil test data. Submitted to SoftwareX 21, 101275,
Bolster, C., Correndo, A.A., Pearce, A., Spargo, J., Osmond, D., and Slaton, N., 2023. A spreadsheet for determining critical soil test values using the modified arcsine-log calibration curve. Submitted to Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 87, 182-189,
Correndo, A.A., Moro Rosso, L.H., Hernandez, C.H., Bastos, L.M., Nieto, L., Holzworth, D., Ciampitti, I.A., 2022. metrica: an R package to evaluate prediction performance of regression and classification point-forecast models. Journal of Open Source Software, 7(79), 4655,
Secchi, M.A., Correndo, A.A., Stamm, M., Durrett , T., Vara Prasad, P.V., Messina, C., and Ciampitti , I.A., 202#. Suitability of different environments for winter canola oil production in the United States of America. Field Crops Res. 287, 108658.
Correndo, A.A., McArtor, B., Prestholt, A., Hernandez, C., Kyveryga, P., and Ciampitti , I.A., 2022. Interactive Soybean Variable-Rate Seeding Simulator for Farmers. Agron. J. 114, 3554-3565,
Sadras, V.O., Giordano, N., Correndo, A.A., Cossani, M., Ferreyra, J.M., Caviglia, O.P., Coulter, J.A., Ciampitti , I.A., and Lollato,R.A., 2022. Temperature-driven developmental modulation of yield response to nitrogen in wheat and maize. Frontiers in Agronomy.
Correndo, A.A., Adee, E., Moro Rosso, L.H., Tremblay, N., Vara Prasad, P.V., Du, J., and Ciampitti, I.A., 2022. Footprints of corn nitrogen management on the following soybean crop. Agron. J. 1-14.
Correndo, A.A., Tremblay, N., …Ciampitti, I.A. et al., 2021. Unraveling uncertainty drivers of the maize yield response to nitrogen: A Bayesian and machine learning approach. Agr. For. Meteorol. 311, 108668.
Correndo, A.A., Gutierrez-Boem, F.H., Garcia, F.O.,… Salvagiotti, F., 2021. Attainable yield and soil texture as drivers of maize response to nitrogen: a synthesis analysis for Argentina. Field Crops Res. 273, 108299.
Correndo, A.A., Fernandez, J., Prasad, V., Ciampitti, I.A., 2021. Do water and nitrogen management practices impact grain quality in maize? Agronomy 11(9), 1851.
Ciampitti, I.A., de Borja Reis, A.F., Cordova, C., Castellano, M.J., Archontoulis, S., Correndo, A.A., Antunes de Almeida, L.F., Moro Rosso, L.H.,, 202X. Revisiting biological nitrogen fixation dynamics in soybeans. Front. Plant Sci. 12, 727021.
Moro Rosso, L.H., de Borja Reis, A.F., Correndo, A.A., Ciampitti, I.A., 2021. XPolaris: an R-package to retrieve United States soil data at 30-meter resolution. BMC Res Notes 14, 327.
Correndo, A.A., Hefley, T., Holzworth, D., Ciampitti, I.A., 2021. Revisiting linear regression to test agreement in continuous predicted-observed datasets. Agr. Syst. 192, 103194.
Correndo, A.A., Moro Rosso, L.H., Ciampitti, I.A., 2021. Retrieving and processing agro-meteorological from API-client sources using R software. BMC Res. Notes 14, 205.
Correndo, A.A., Rubio, G., Garcia, F.O., Ciampitti, I.A., 2021. Subsoil-potassium depletion accounts for the nutrient budget in high-potassium agricultural soils. Sci. Rep. 11, 11597.
Correndo, A.A., Rotundo, J.L., Tremblay, N., et al., 2021. Assessing the uncertainty of maize yield with no nitrogen fertilization. Field Crops Res. 260, 107985.
Appelhans, S.C., Carciochi, W.D., Correndo, A.A., et al. 2021. Predicting soil test phosphorus decrease in non‐P‐fertilized conditions. Eur. J. Soil Sci. 2021; 1– 11.
Correndo, A.A., Salvagiotti, F., García, F.O., Gutiérrez Boem, F.H., 2017. A modification of the arcsine-log calibration curve for analysing soil test value-relative yield relationships. Crop and Pasture Science 68 (3): 297-304.
Barbieri, P.A., Sainz Rozas, H.R. Wyngaard, N., Eyherabide, M., Reussi Calvo, N.I., Salvagotti, F., Correndo, A.A., et al., 2017. Can Edaphic Variables Improve DTPA-Based Zinc Diagnosis in Corn?. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 81, 556-563.
Correndo, A.A., Boxler, M., García, F.O., 2015. Economic analysis of fertilization management with focus on the long term. Ci. Suelo 33(2), 197-212.
Total (63)
Most recent (36)
Ciampitti, I.A., Correndo, A.A., Sittel, M.. 2023. Soybean seed filling and dry down rate before harvest. September 14th, 2023: Issue 974. LINK
Ciampitti, I.A., Correndo, A.A., Sittel, M., Redmond, C.. 2023. Drought and heat stress impacts on soybeans in Kansas. August 24th, 2023: Issue 971. LINK
Ciampitti, I.A., Correndo, A.A.. 2023. Soybean yield potential estimation. August 24th, 2023: Issue 971. LINK
Ciampitti, I.A., Correndo, A.A.. 2023. Corn development in Kansas during recent high temperatures. July 27th, 2023: Issue 967. LINK
Ciampitti, I.A., Correndo, A.A.. 2023. Estimating corn yield potential using the yield component method. July 20th, 2023: Issue 966. LINK
Ciampitti, I.A., Correndo, A.A.. 2023. Considerations for late-planted soybeans. June 8th, 2023: Issue 960. LINK
Ciampitti, I.A., Lancaster, S., Correndo, A.A.. 2023. Crop options after early terminated wheat. May 25th, 2023: Issue 958. LINK
Ciampitti, I.A., Correndo, A.A., Redmond, C.. 2023. Cold soils can lead to chilling injury for newly planted corn and soybean. April 27th, 2023: Issue 953. LINK
Ciampitti, I.A., Correndo, A.A.. 2023. Adjusting seeding rates for soybean. April 20th, 2023: Issue 952. LINK
Ciampitti, I.A., Correndo, A.A., van Versendaal, E., Antunes de Almeida, L.F.. 2023. Soybean planting date and maturity group selection. April 13th, 2023: Issue 951. LINK
Ciampitti, I.A., Correndo, A.A., Sittel, M., Redmond, C.. 2023. Spring planting update - Soil temperature and moisture. April 6th, 2023: Issue 951. LINK
Ciampitti, I.A., Correndo, A.A.. 2023. Optimal corn seeding rate recommendations. March 23rd, 2023: Issue 948. LINK
Ciampitti, I.A., Correndo, A.A., Sittel, M., Redmond, C. 2023. Spring planting is approaching: Soil temperature and moisture status. March 16th, 2023: Issue 947. LINK
Melchiori, R.J.M., Maltese, N., Correndo, A.A., Novelli, L., & Caviglia, O. 2022. How to decide nitrogen fertilization in maize under uncertain scenarios. Serie de Extension INTA EEA Parana No. 89: 76-82. ISSN 0325 - 8874. Entre Rios, Argentina. LINK
Ciampitti, I.A., Correndo, A.A., Sittel, M., Redmond, C. 2022. Drought and heat stress in Kansas soybean fields. Agronomy eUpdates. Kansas State university. August 25th, 2022: Issue 921.
Ciampitti, I.A., Correndo, A.A., Sittel, M., Redmond, C. 2022. Drought and heat stress in Kansas soybean fields. Agronomy eUpdates. Kansas State university. August 18th, 2022: Issue 920.
Ciampitti, I.A., Correndo, A.A.. 2022. Drought and heat stress in Kansas corn fields. Agronomy eUpdates. Kansas State university. August 11th, 2022: Issue 919.
Redmond, C., Ciampitti, I.A., Correndo, A.A.. 2022. Critical timing in Kansas: High temperatures and corn development. Kansas State university. July 28th, 2022: Issue 917.
Ciampitti, I.A., Correndo, A.A.. 2022. Estimating corn yield potential using the yield component method. Agronomy eUpdates. Kansas State university. July 21th, 2022: Issue 916.
Antunes de Almeida, L.F., Correndo, A.A., Adee, E., Dooley, S., Ciampitti, I.A. 2022. Soybean seed yield productivity and biological nitrogen fixation in Kansas. Kansas Field Research 8(4). K-State Research and Extension. Kansas State university.
Correndo, A.A., Lanza Lopez, O., Antunes de Almeida, L.F., Ciampitti, I.A.. 2022. Yield response to nitrogen management in a corn-soybean sequence in North Central Kansas - 2021 Season. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports. Vol. 8(4). K-State Research and Extension. Kansas State University.
Correndo, A.A., Antunes de Almeida, L.F., Adee, E., Ciampitti, I.A., 2022. Do late season soybean management impact seed yields in East Kansas? Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports Vol. 8(4). K-State Research and Extension. Kansas State University.
Ciampitti, I.A., Correndo, A.A.. 2022. Considerations for late planting (or replanted). Agronomy eUpdates. Kansas State university. June 9th, 2022: Issue 910.
Ciampitti, I.A., Correndo, A.A.. 2022. Soybean row spacing in Kansas. Agronomy eUpdates. Kansas State university. April 29th, 2022: Issue 904.
Ciampitti, I.A., Correndo, A.A., & van Versendaal, E.. 2022. Soybean planting date and maturity group selection. Agronomy eUpdates. Kansas State university. April 14th, 2022: Issue 902.
Ciampitti, I.A., Correndo, A.A., & Redmond, C.. 2022. 2022 soil moisture and temperature outlook of spring planting in Kansas. Agronomy eUpdates. Kansas State university. April 7th, 2022: Issue 901.
Ciampitti, I.A., & Correndo, A.A.. 2022. Optimal corn seeding rate recommendations. Agronomy eUpdates. Kansas State university. March 24th, 2022: Issue 898.
Ciampitti, I.A., & Correndo, A.A.. 2021. Indigenous productivity of maize without nitrogen fertilization in North America. Kansas Research and Extension Reports. MF3572.
Correndo, A.A., & I.A. Ciampitti. 2021. Yield Response to Nitrogen Management in a Corn-Soybean Sequence in North Central Kansas. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports. Vol. 7(5). K-State Research and Extension. Kansas State University.
Correndo, A.A., & I.A. Ciampitti. 2020. Corn yield response to nitrogen in North Central Kansas. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 6(5).
Correndo, A.A., & I.A. Ciampitti. 2019. Pursuing the Best Management Strategies for Corn-Soybean Rotation Systems in North Central Kansas. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 5: Iss. 6.
Garcia, F.O., Grasso, A., Gonzalez Sanjuan, M.F., Correndo, A., Salvagiotti, F.O., 2018. Connecting crop nutrient use efficiency to future soil productivity. Better Crops With Plant Food, Vol. CII (102), No. 4:8-10.
Ferreras, L., Magra, G., Saperdi, A., Toresani, S., Boxler, M., Gallo, S., Pozzi, R., A. Correndo, Garcia, F.O., 2018. Does balanced fertilization improve soil health? Better Crops With Plant Food, Vol. CII (102), No. 1:18-20.
Correndo, A.A., F. Permingeat, P. Gelso, S. Gallo, R. Pozzi, M. Salinas, N.I. Reussi Calvo, A. Berardo, & F.O. García. 2017. Long-term Crop Nutrition Network of CREA Southern Santa Fe. Results of 2016/17 Cropping Season: Maize. Available at:
Correndo, A.A., F. Permingeat, P. Gelso, S. Gallo, R. Pozzi, M. Salinas, N.I. Reussi Calvo, A. Berardo, & F.O. García. 2017. Long-term Crop Nutrition Network of CREA Southern Santa Fe. Results of 2016/17 Cropping Season: Soybean. Available at:
Boxler, M., F.O. García, A.A. Correndo, S. Gallo, R. Pozzi, M. Uranga, M. Salinas, N.I. Reussi Calvo & A. Berardo. 2017. Long-term Crop Nutrition Network of CREA Southern Santa Fe. Results of 2015/16 Cropping Season: Soybean. Available at:
García, F.O., Correndo, A.A., Reussi Calvo, N., Monzon, J.P., Ciampitti, I.A., Salvagiotti, F., Chapter 7: Crop Nutrition. In: Andrade, F., Otegui, M.E., Cirilo, A., & Uhart, S. (2023). Ecofisiologia del cultivo de maiz. 486p. ISBN 978-987-88-8326-7. LINK
Majumdar, K., S. Zingore, F. García, A. Correndo, J. Timsina, & A.M. Johnston. 2017. Chapter 8: Improving Nutrient Management for Sustainable Intensification of Maize. In: Watson D. (2017). Achieving sustainable cultivation of maize, Volume 2. Cultivation techniques, pest and disease control. Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science. 400p. ISBN-13: 9781786760128.
Correndo, A.A., & F.O. García. 2016. Pautas para el manejo del fósforo en trigo. In: Trigo. Cuaderno de Actualización Técnica. AACREA, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
García, F.O., and A.A. Correndo. 2016. Fertilidad de Suelos y Uso de Fertilizantes para una Agricultura Sustentable. Recursos Naturales y Suelos. GEPAMA FADU UBA –ECOLOGIA UNGS – FHB.
Correndo, A.A., and F.O. García. 2014. Bases para la nutrición del cultivo de maíz. In: Maíz. Técnicas probadas para una producción rentable. 96pp. AACREA, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Correndo A.A., & F.O. García. 2014. Diagnóstico del nitrógeno en el cultivo de maíz: ¿Cómo lograr un análisis de suelo confiable? In: L. Borras (Ed.). Manejo eficiente del nitrógeno en maíces flint. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Rosario. pp. 67-80.
García F.O. and A.A. Correndo. 2012. Fertilización en el cultivo de soya. Manual de Difusión Técnica de Soya. Fundacruz. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. pp. 158-170.
García, F., M. Boxler, J. Minteguiaga, R. Pozzi, L. Firpo, I. Ciampitti, A. Correndo, F. Bauschen, A. Berardo, and N. Reussi Calvo. 2010. La Red de Nutrición de la Región Crea Sur de Santa Fe: Resultados y conclusiones de los primeros diez años 200-2009. 2a. ed. AACREA. Buenos Aires, Argentina. ISBN 978-987-1513-07-9. 64 pp.
Total (45)
Most recent (24)
Correndo, A. A., Lacasa, J., Whetten, A., Hefley, T., Clark, J., Ransom, C. J., & Ciampitti, I. A. (2023) Corn Yield Variance in Response to Nitrogen Fertilization [Abstract]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO.
Almeida, L. F., Ciampitti, I. A., Correndo, A. A., & Hefley, T. (2023) Quantifying Main Drivers of Soybean Yield & N Fixation and Their Uncertainties in the United States [Abstract]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO.
Giordano, N., Sadras, V. O., Correndo, A. A., & Lollato, R. P. (2023) Cultivar-Specific Phenotypic Plasticity of Yield and Grain Protein Concentration in Response to Nitrogen in Winter Wheat [Abstract]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO.
Hernandez, C., Correndo, A. A., Prestholt, A., Kyveryga, P., & Ciampitti, I. A. (2023) On-Farm Soybean Quality Predictive Modelling Using Remote Sensing [Abstract]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO.
Bosche, L., Correndo, A. A., Almeida, L. F., & Ciampitti, I. A. 2023. Understanding Nitrogen Nutrition in Soybeans: A Synthesis Analysis [Abstract]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO.
Toribio, M., Correndo, A.A., Reussi Calvo, N. 2022. Sintesis analisis sobre el efecto de inhibidores de la actividad ureasica en el cultivo de maiz. XXVIII Congreso Argentino de la Ciencia del Suelo. Nov 15-18, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Toribio, M., Correndo, A.A., Reussi Calvo, N. 2022. Factores determinantes de las perdidas de nitrogeno por volatilizacion en maiz. XXVIII Congreso Argentino de la Ciencia del Suelo. Nov 15-18, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Reussi Calvo, N., Cortez, D., Trujillo, R., Correndo, A.A., Carciochi, W., Garcia, F.O. 2022. Calibracion de fosforo Olsen para maiz y soja en Santa Cruz de la Sierra-Bolivia. XXVIII Congreso Argentino de la Ciencia del Suelo. Nov 15-18, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Damianidis, D., Reussi Calvo, N., García, F.O., Alvarez, C., Barbieri, P.A., Sainz Rozas, H., Barraco, M.R., Brach, A.M., Boero, J., Castellarin, J., Ferraris, G., Gómez, F.M., Gudelj, V., Gutiérrez-Boem, F.H., Kruger, H.R., Loewy, T., Manlla, A.G., Melion, D., Videla Mensegue, H., Pagnan, L.F., Pautasso, J.M., Prystupa, P., Pugliese, L. Ventimiglia, L., M. Diaz-Zorita, M., Correndo, A.A., Salvagiotti, F. 2022. Quantitative and qualitative wheat response to nitrogen fertilization in the Argentinean Pampas; A synthesis-analysis. XXVIII Congreso Argentino de la Ciencia del Suelo. Nov 15-18, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Bolster, C., Correndo, A.A., Pearce, A., Spargo, J.T., Slaton, N.A., Osmond, D.L. 2022. A Spreadsheet for Determining Critical Soil Test Values Using the Modified Arcsine-Log Calibration Curve. Nov 6-9, Baltimore, MD, USA. LINK
Correndo, A.A., Ciampitti, I.A. 2022. The Venture Creation in Data Science: Developing Packages and Web Tools Using R. Nov 6-9, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Correndo, A.A., Holzworth, D., Ciampitti, I.A. 2022. Comparing Error Metrics to Test Predicted-Observed Agreement for Continuous Variables. Nov 6-9, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Antunes de Almeida, L.F., Correndo, A.A., et al. 2022. Soybean Yield Response to Nitrogen and Sulfur Fertilization in the United States. Nov 6-9, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Giordano, N., Correndo, A.A., Sadras, V.O., Lollato, R. 2022. Phenotypic Plasticity Unravels Genotype Specific Response to Nitrogen in Winter Wheat. Nov 6-9, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Ciampitti, I.A., Correndo, A.A.. 2022. Re-thinking effective use of niutrogen in major field crops, integrating breeding and management. Aug. 1-3, Lincoln, NE, USA.
Correndo, A.A., Hefley, T., Holzworth, D., and Ciampitti, I. A., 2021. How should we use linear regression to test models performance?. 2021 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Meetings. Nov. 7-10, Salt Lake City, UT, USA.
Correndo, A.A., Tremblay, N., Coulter, J. A., Ruiz Diaz, D. A., Franzen, D. W., Nafziger, E., Prasad, P. V. V., Rosso, L. M., Steinke, K., Du, J., Messina, C. D., and Ciampitti, I. A.. 2021. Disentangling Corn Yield Response to Nitrogen with Bayesian and Machine Learning Models. 2021 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Meetings. Nov. 7-10, Salt Lake City, UT, USA.
Correndo, A.A., & I. Ciampitti. 2020. Forecasting corn yield in Kansas. 2019 Kansas Corn Symposium. Jan. 23, Manhattan, KS, USA.
Correndo, A.A., N. Tremblay, J. Rotundo, J. DeBruin, C. Messina, R. Schwalbert, J. Coulter, D. Ruiz-Diaz, A. Franzluebbers, J. Williams, S. Archontoulis, K. Steinke, E. Nafziger, D. Franzen, & I. Ciampitti. 2019. Corn nitrogen responsiveness in North America: a review. 2019 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Meetings. Nov. 10-13, San Antonio, TX, USA.
Correndo, A.A., & I. Ciampitti. 2019. Breaking Yield Barriers in Corn-Soybean. 2019 Kansas Corn Symposium. Jan. 23, Manhattan, KS, USA.
Correndo, A.A., F. Salvagiotti, F. García, & F.H. Gutiérrez-Boem. 2018. Attainable yield and soil texture as drivers of pre-plant nitrogen test performance in corn in the argentine pampas. 2018 ASA-CSSA meetings. Nov. 4-7, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Balboa, G., A. Correndo, M. Stewart, F. Salvagiotti, F.O. Garcia, E. Francisco, J.M Enrico and I.A. Ciampitti. 2018. Intensifying Soybean Management Systems in United States, Brazil and Argentina. 2018 ASA-CSSA meetings. Nov. 4-7, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Correndo, A.A., & F.O. Garcia. 2018. The utopia of the balanced fertilization of the cropping systems in Argentina. Proceedings of XXVI Argentinean Soil Science Congress. 15-18th, May 2018. Tucumán, Argentina.
Correndo, A.A., F. Salvagiotti, F. García, & F.H. Gutiérrez-Boem. 2018. Recalibration of Bray1-P critical thresholds for corn and soybean in Argentina. CLAP 2018. I Latin American Congress of Precision Agriculture. 11-13th April 2018. Santiago, Chile. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28706.73922