👁️‍ Mission & Vision

I am an agronomist with experience in research and stakeholders education, underpinning the development and recommendation of the best crop management practices for productive, efficient, and environmentally safe farming systems. My passion and expertise are in cropping systems, soil fertility and crop nutrition, and applied computer programming to put modern data analytics and digital solutions to the service of agriculture. I aim to play an active role in transdisciplinary projects that gather diverse agricultural stakeholders.


  • Ph.D., Agronomy. Kansas State University. 2021.

  • MS, Soil Science. Universidad de Buenos Aires. 2018.

  • BS, Agronomy. Universidad de Buenos Aires. 2011.


Sustainable Farming | Crop Nutrition | Data Science | Digital Solutions

A great crop hides a whole story of questions underneath. Curiosity drives farmers, agronomists, and scientists to achieve improvements in our farming systems and communities.

  • Research: Dynamic future scenarios require research exploring the interactions between plant genetics (G), environment (E), and crop management (M).

  • Extension: By addressing stakeholders’ concerns we visualize research gaps, we facilitate the right development and adoption of technologies, and we also enhance productivity and the resources use efficiency.

  • Education: Leaders of the farming of the future require transdisciplinary work and education that provides them the tools to efficiently utilize multiple data sources for decision-making.

👨‍🔬 Research Experience

Assistant Professor - Pick Family Research Chair in Sustainable Cropping Systems

Oct 2023 - Present

Department of Plant Agriculture, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

Description: My duties include research, teaching, and knowledge transfer to agriculture stakeholders on identifying soil and crop management practices that enhance farming systems performance while taking care about our natural resources by the hand of science.

Postdoctoral Fellow - Digital Agronomy

Jan 2022 - Oct 2023.

Department of Agronomy, Kansas State University, Kansas, United States.

Description: Research and Extension on sustainable agriculture and resilience of farming systems. Research duties include applied geo-spatial and machine learning analysis, development of digital tools, literature reviews, preparation of reports, scientific manuscripts, and professional presentations. Collaborator of the Digital Tools-Farming Systems and Geospatial consortium (SIIL-USAID, https://digitalconsortium.wixsite.com/dgfsc) to advance the development of digital tools for smallholder farmers around the globe. Extension duties include field days, workshops, and corn-soybean schools for farmers. Supervisor: Dr. Ignacio Ciampitti.

Graduate Research Assistant

Aug 2018 - Dec 2021

Department of Agronomy, Kansas State University

Conducting and coordinating field research in corn and soybean crops in North Central Kansas. Planning and execution of plant and soil sampling and laboratory analyses. Data analysis, preparation of reports, scientific manuscripts, and professional presentations. Extension activities during field days and workshops. Supervisor: Dr. Ignacio Ciampitti.

Assistant Agronomist


Latin America Southern Cone, International Plant Nutrition Institute

Professional training courses in soil fertility and crop nutrition for farmers and crop advisors. Writing scientific manuscripts, research protocols, reports, extension and press articles. Collaborator in various research projects in soil fertility and crop nutrition in the Southern Cone of Latin America. Co-editor of quarterly magazine “Informaciones Agronómicas del Cono Sur” and “Informaciones Agronómicas de Hispanoamérica”. Webpage and social media managing. Organizer of a Soil Fertility Symposia Series (2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2017). Supervisor: Dr. Fernando Garcia.

Research Assistant


On-Farm Long-Term Crop Nutrition Network of Eastern Plains (Bolivia).

Main collaborator. Responsibilities: protocols, data analysis, reports and scientific articles.

Research Assistant


On-Farm Long-Term Crop Nutrition Network of CREA Northern Cordoba (Argentina). CREA-IPNI-Nutrien.

Main collaborator. Responsibilities: protocols, data analysis, reports and scientific articles.

Research Assistant


On-Farm Long-Term Crop Nutrition Network of CREA Southern Santa Fe (Argentina). CREA-IPNI-Nutrien.

Main collaborator. Responsibilities: protocols, data analysis, reports and scientific articles, workshops organization.

Undergraduate Assistant Agronomist


Latin America Southern Cone, International Plant Nutrition Institute

Data entry. Database development of resources on soil fertility and crop nutrition. Writing scientific manuscripts, research reports, and extension articles. Collaborator in research projects and professional training in soil fertility and crop nutrition. Co-editor of quarterly magazine “Informaciones Agronómicas del Cono Sur”.

Undergraduate Assistant


Soil Fertility and Fertilizers Department. College of Agriculture, University of Buenos Aires.

Ad-honorem teaching assistant & assistant of research projects: i) PIP 5432 “Responsible mechanisms for the phosphorus recovery and use efficiency in soybean, maize and sunflower”, and ii) PICT 11170 “Soil available P management and P nutrition for soybean and other crops of the Pampas Region”. Responsibilities: installation and monitoring of field and greenhouse experiments. Soil and plant sampling and laboratory analysis. Evaluation of crop roots (soybean, maize, and sunflower). Soil Fertility and Fertilizers Department, College of Agriculture of University of Buenos Aires. Supervisors: Dr. Gerardo Rubio, and Dr. M. Fernández.

Undergraduate Research Assistant


IFEVA. College of Agriculture, University of Buenos Aires.

Field work assistant in ecology experimental plots. Grassland evaluation and installation of field experiment. Place: Estancia “San Claudio” Carlos Casares. Supervisors: Dr. Isabel Miranda, and Dr. Enrique J. Chaneton.

📚 Teaching Experience


Winter 2025

Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

PLNT*6800 - “Special Topics in Plant Science: Reproducible Ag Data Science with R”

Graduate Program in Plant Agriculture. Credits: 0.50. Percentage: 100%.

Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

CROP*4220 - “Cropping Systems”

Undergraduate Program in Agricultural Science. Credits: 0.50. Percentage: 50%.

Fall 2024

Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

CROP*3310 - “Protein and Oilseed Crops”

Undergraduate Program in Agricultural Science. Credits: 0.50. Percentage: 100%.

Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

CROP*4260 - “Crop Science Field Trip”

Undergraduate Program in Agricultural Science. Credits: 0.50. Percentage: 50%.

Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

CROP*6450 - “Plant Agriculture International Field Trip”

Undergraduate Program in Agricultural Science. Credits: 0.50. Percentage: 50%.

Winter 2024

Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

CROP*3300 - “Grain Crops”

Undergraduate Program in Agricultural Science. Credits: 0.50. Percentage: 50%.

Fall 2023

Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

CROP*3310 - “Protein and Oilseed Crops”

Undergraduate Program in Agricultural Science. Credits: 0.50. Percentage: 20%.

Guest Lecturer

Fall 2024

Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

Invited lecturer on topic: “Reproducible Data Science with R”. Course “Applied Ag Stats”, Graduate Program in Agricultural Science. Course Instructor: Dr. Amir Bazrgar.

Fall 2023

College of Agriculture, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina.

Invited lecturer on topic: “Calibracion based on soil testing”. Course “Soil Fertility and Fertilizers”, Graduate Program in Agricultural Science. Course Instructor: Dr. Nahuel Reussi Calvo.

Spring 2022

College of Agriculture, Kansas State University, Kansas, United States.

Invited lecturer. On-Farm Research, Challenges and Opportunities. AGRON-655, Site-Specific Agriculture. Course Instructor: Dr. Jeffrey Siegfried.

Fall 2021

College of Agriculture, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Argentina.

Invited lecturer on soil P fertility and crop P nutrition management. Certificate in Precision Agriculture. Director: Ing. Agr. Esteban Tronfi. Coordinator: Ing. Agr. Franco Vizzio.